Connected products block
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Last updated
We've provided an area in each block that will allow you to add your own custom CSS so you can match your brands style exactly. We decided to make this even easier by providing CSS variable for common changes to make this even easier 🎉
Here is a list of the Variables available in this block:
NOTE: If the title of your product contains a colon (:) just remove the colon in the custom colors or custom names setting and it should work correctly. If it doesn't reach out to
To create color swatches, just set the style to 'Color swatches' and then for each product name connect the hex color you'd like to show up for that color separated by a colon like the below example. Each product will go on a separate line.
product name: #BADA55
If you'd like to use images that are not the product images, upload the image files you'd like to the store file system.
In the Connected products section, instead of using a hex value, use the image file name (make sure to note the correct file suffix) and connect them through the custom colors setting. For this option, you'll also need to set the Style to Color swatches.
You may want the name for your connected products to simply be the color of the product rather than the full name. For this reason we've given the ability to override the product title for the buttons and the hover for the swatches. This works similarly to the colors where you will use the product title separated by a column.
You can use MetaObjects to customize each product page to have a unique look. The great thing about MetaObjects is that they can be re-used! You could set up 3 MetaObject Entries and then use 1 for 4 products and have 2 products be unique. This will help to decrease the amount of time setup and management of your shop.
For the most in-depth explanation check out the instructions for Image with text
MetaObject Definition
We've create a simple way to create MetaObject definitions in the app. Here's an explanation of our one-click metaobject feature:
Product Metafield definition
Entry for the MetaObject
Connect the MetaObject entry to the Product
Connect specific field to the block