Show Individual Variants Setting
The "Show individual variants" setting allows you to display each product variant as a separate item in the collection grid, rather than just showing the default product.
How It Works
When enabled:
Each variant of a product will appear as its own card in the grid
If a variant has its own image assigned, that image will be displayed
If a variant doesn't have a specific image, the product's default image will be used
The variant title will appear above the product title
Use Cases
This setting is particularly useful for:
Products with visually distinct variants (e.g., different colors, patterns, styles)
Collections where you want to showcase the full range of options available
Fashion/apparel collections where seeing each color variant is important
Products where variants have unique images assigned to them
For a t-shirt product with 3 color variants:
Without this setting: Shows one grid card with the default t-shirt image
With this setting: Shows three separate grid cards, one for each color variant
Only variants that are available for purchase will be displayed
The number of items shown in the grid will multiply based on the number of variants
Consider adjusting the "Products to show" setting when using this feature to avoid showing too many items
Best Practices
Use this setting when variants have distinct visual differences
Ensure variant images are assigned in your product settings for best results
Last updated