Show Individual Variants Setting

The "Show individual variants" setting allows you to display each product variant as a separate item in the collection grid, rather than just showing the default product.

How It Works

When enabled:

  • Each variant of a product will appear as its own card in the grid

  • If a variant has its own image assigned, that image will be displayed

  • If a variant doesn't have a specific image, the product's default image will be used

  • The variant title will appear above the product title

Use Cases

This setting is particularly useful for:

  • Products with visually distinct variants (e.g., different colors, patterns, styles)

  • Collections where you want to showcase the full range of options available

  • Fashion/apparel collections where seeing each color variant is important

  • Products where variants have unique images assigned to them


For a t-shirt product with 3 color variants:

  • Without this setting: Shows one grid card with the default t-shirt image

  • With this setting: Shows three separate grid cards, one for each color variant


  • Only variants that are available for purchase will be displayed

  • The number of items shown in the grid will multiply based on the number of variants

  • Consider adjusting the "Products to show" setting when using this feature to avoid showing too many items

Best Practices

  • Use this setting when variants have distinct visual differences

  • Ensure variant images are assigned in your product settings for best results

Last updated